Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hilarious And Scary Video: Hillary Clinton is Evil! (REMIX)

Sometimes you just have to laugh.

The video below is an excellent remix of various weird moments Hillary Clinton has had in various interviews.

Towards the end she begins making her most compelling case to become the next President of the US:  She's a woman of course—and it's time a woman became El Presidente.

Hillary Clinton

She don't need no stinking qualifications!

America—we elected the first black President—so now liberal logic tells you it's time for a woman to take the most sensitive, powerful position in the world.

Never mind that she is a proven liar many times over (landing in Bosnia under sniper fire), the Clinton Foundation "pay to play" scandal, her e-mail fiasco and cover-up lies, her many health issues, ad infinitum.

So enjoy the video and please pray she isn't elected......

Friday, September 23, 2016

Video: Angry Teacher Tells Student Trump Supporter To Leave Class

It is painfully obvious that Progressives, Democrats and Hillary supporters have declared an open war on freedom of expression and free speech—and think nothing of pushing their own beliefs while simultaneously squashing any counter opinions.

They talk endlessly about fairness and tolerance—and demand that their opinions be heard—but the moment they are challenged in any way their true colors emerge as they rage and insult any one who dares to stand up for any belief contrary to their own.

The video embedded below shows a young student in a classroom who is being berated by a teacher (with a strong accent) who has just insulted Trump and his supporters.

The young man bravely, calmly, and respectfully stands his ground while the teacher talks over him and demands that he shut-up or leave the classroom—and then adultly says that he will not teach anymore if the student remains in the class.

Other "tolerant" progressive students join in suggesting that Trump and his supporters deserve criticism.

Screen Capture From Video: Liberal Teacher Berates Student Trump Supporter And Demands That He Leave Class
Screen Capture From Video: Liberal Teacher Berates
Student Trump Supporter And Demands That He Leave Class

I can say from personal experience in recent college level classes, that this happens all the time—liberal instructors force their ideologies on a captive audience of students who are paying for an education—without ever giving voice to alternate opinions—or even allowing them to be expressed or considered.

Recently an instructor in a required class I took having nothing to do with politics—used Trump as a negative example in class lectures over and over—and one day after another diatribe simply declared: "Please don't vote for Trump."

It's shocking that far too many instructors are so completely one sided—and it's becoming more and more evident that this is by design by a decidedly liberal dominated education system.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Videos: Hillary Clinton COLLAPSES At 9/11 Memorial Service

Videos of Hillary Clinton's alleged collapse are rapidly being deleted across the internet but two are posted below and hopefully they'll be seen by more people before they too are taken down by the great internet over-lords who will protect Hillary at all costs.

The videos reported show Clinton leaning against a pole as she leaves the event early—when a van arrives to pick her up she begins to noticeably wobble and then literally collapses as people swarm her (both to help her and shield her from cameras) and carry her into the waiting van.

Screen Capture From YouTube Video:  Hillary Clinton Collapses During 9-11 Memorial
Screen Capture From YouTube Video:  Hillary Clinton Collapses During 9-11 Memorial

In one video you can see the soles of her shoes as she is dragged into the waiting van—meaning she could not even get to the door on her own feet.

Her campaign has already begun to issue statements that she either was affected by the heat (she overheated in 80° degree weather at 9:30 in the morning) or that she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and was being treated for it—but miraculously, as of Sunday afternoon, she now feels much better.

Of course, both attempts to cover up another seeming health crisis can be debunked easily—as it was not a hot day in NY where the event was held—and no one recovers from pneumonia a few hours or days after treatment.

The media was kept away—but there are at least three different angles of this scene shot by different people who were there.

As many of those videos that can be found will be posted here—unless they are taken down by the Clinton campaign or her Masters.

For now there are two below:

Update -  Fox news is reporting (see video below) that Hillary lost a shoe when she collapsed—and that it was not hot at the event:

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Video: Bill Clinton Insults Coal Miners

Video Below

Bill Clinton

Just when it seems Bill and Hillary can't stoop any lower—they do.

In a speech yesterday, September 9th, 2016, Bill Clinton said the people of "West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky, 'The Coal People'—don't like us [Democrats] anymore."

"They blame the President when the sun doesn't come up in the morning now."

Stay classy Slick Willy!

Oh—and keep losin' then votes for Hillary one demographic at a time.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Video: Bill Clinton Says Hillary Suffered A Major Head Injury

Video Below

Video Screen Capture: Bill Clinton Describing Hillary's Very Serious Injury in 2014
Video Screen Capture: Bill Clinton Describing Hillary's Very Serious Injury in 2014

If you're following the Hillary Clinton saga as she attempts to claw her way to the Presidency—you're aware of how liberally she twists the truth in order to suit her needs.

During the Benghazi hearings and FBI interviews she claimed she'd injured herself so badly—in a fall that resulted in a concussion—that some wondered if she was hoping to avoid testimony about attack on the US Embassy—or more recently her handling of classified email as Secretary of State.

While running for President, however, she bellows that any questions about her health are only raised by sexists or conspiracy theorists on the alt-right.

Check out the video below—BEFORE Hillary's health became an issue in her bid for election—where Bill Clinton (in May 2014) described her concussion as "terrible"—requiring 6 months of "very serious work." 

The video details that "Hillary fainted, had a serious concussion, had a blood clot, was in the hospital for weeks, was literally seeing double and had to wear special prism glasses to see straight, and then went through six months of very serious work," all according to Bill Clinton himself.

It'll be interesting to see if Hillary—as the very picture of health—can make it through a debate without taking a long unannounced break or without coughing up a lung.  

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Shameful Video Montage: Hillary Clinton's Fear Mongering Stirs Up Racial Strife

Video Embedded Below

It is very sad to see a major party candidate using absolutely divisive rhetoric in her speeches.

Yet that is exactly what Hillary Clinton did recently in a hateful speech (Reno, Nevada - 8/25/2016)
where she railed on and on about bigotry and racism by people who disagree with her policies in an absolutely shameful display of race baiting and fear mongering.

That she would stir up racial discord in America in an effort to secure her bid for the White House shows the complete depths of her depravity.